Sebastopol Community Upcycled Art Project

Calling all Artists and Creative Locals
It’s the Sebastopol Community Upcycled Art Project

The Art Project is to be designed to educate and inspire by activating potential in affecting climate change.  It is to be created through contributions from the community. This project will symbolize the interconnectivity of all life.  

  • The Central Art Piece will be a kaleidoscope of upcycled glass housed in a welded case. 
  • The supporting art pieces will be installed throughout town.

 Community artists are invited to create supporting pieces that will:

  • explore innovative ways to address the environmental challenges we are currently facing. 
  • be curated from the abundance that already exists within our lives.
  • utilize upcycled materials. 
  • specifically address subjects under the general category of climate change: water, air, solar, carbon sequestration, social inequities, our waste stream, and consumption.  

Alongside the supporting art pieces will be a companion QR code that links the viewer to a website which will include information on: the makers of the piece, the topic of the piece, actions regarding the topic, and any recent news on local organizations working on a goal related to the topic. 
Submissions accepted on a rolling basis for supporting art piece proposals. 

Art Piece Submission Google Form

Art Piece Submission Downloadable Form

Completed forms should be turned in to the Planning Dept. at Sebastopol City Hall or emailed to with “Art Project Submission'' in the subject line.