This page is intended to provide basic information about Sebastopol park and recreation resources. The information includes: official City parks; other park and open space resources; and recreation facilities. It does not include school sites, most of which also provide recreation areas open to the public during non-school hours.
Sebastopol is blessed with an array of park, open space and recreational resources, including those provided by local non-profits and a private development. Most of the facilities have identified issues or needs, some of which are quite substantial (complete renovation of Ives Park, replacement of the Community Center, replacement of the local library). A number of other needs, such as for restrooms at several sites, would also be expensive.
In the last 20 years, a number of significant new park and open space areas have been created, which is to the community’s credit. These include: the town Plaza; the Laguna Preserve; the Skategarden Park; the Laguna Uplands; the Railroad Forest bike path connector; Tomodachi Park; and the Barlow green. An expansion of Skategarden Park is pending. Most of these new park and open space areas have impacted the maintenance resources of the Public Works Department, which also assumed maintenance responsibilities for landscaping in numerous new ‘Street Smart Sebastopol’ pedestrian crossings.
While there has been continuing community interest in creating new park resources, these new facilities have created substantial ongoing maintenance and improvement needs, in addition to needs at the City’s existing facilities such as Ives Park, Libby Park, the Youth Park, and recreational facilities such as Ives Pool and the Community Center.