City Clerk
The City Clerk’s Office Represents the Front Door of City Hall and Is Here to Help Demystify the Government Process and Encourages the Local Community to have a Voice in your Local Government.
The City Clerk serves as Clerk of the Council and maintains all official City records, administers Fair Political Practice and conflict of interest legislation; maintains official City seal; administers municipal elections; serves as an executive assistant to the City Manager and is responsible for providing confidential support to the City Manager, the Council and other City staff. The principal function of this position is to oversee, guide and assist the activities of various Departments and special projects to ensure they are in concert with the policies and goals of the City Manager and City Council; provide administrative guidance to departments to ensure the City’s goals and objectives are achieved in a timely and professional manner; provide the City Manager and City Council with accurate and timely information to support decision-making and policy direction; assist in the overall daily administration, decision-making and policy direction guidance with the City Manager and Council. The City Clerk also serves as a key member of the City’s executive management team, assisting City Council, City Manager, City Department Staff and the public in accomplishing projects, and arranges meetings as required.
Please be advised that, during the closure of City Hall due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City Clerk has been authorized to accept valid service of process via regular mail pursuant to Section 415.30 of the California Code of Civil Procedure (“CCP”). During this time the City Clerk has also been authorized to accept service of all valid Civil Subpoenas, issued pursuant to CCP Section 1985 et seq. for the production of business records, via regular mail. Please mail your documents to City of Sebastopol, 7120 Bodega Avenue, Sebastopol, CA 95472, ATTN: City Clerk.
Government Claims made on the City’s General Claim Form with any supporting documentation may be mailed to the City Clerk Department, 7120 Bodega Avenue, Sebastopol, Ca 95472. Be advised that the City Clerk is only authorized to accept service on behalf of the City of Sebastopol - the City Clerk has no authority to accept service on behalf any other individually named persons or entities.
As required by the Political Reform Act and Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Code of Regulations, the City Clerk Department annually coordinates review of the Conflict of Interest (COI) Designated Filer Resolution. The Code determines which employees, committee members, and consultants make or participate in the making of decisions, which may foreseeably have a material effect on any financial interest, as well as identifies their disclosure category under the Conflict of Interest Code. Designated positions must file Assuming, Annual, and Leaving Office Statements per the Political Reform Act.
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 7:00 am - 5:30 pm
(Closed 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm for lunch)
Closed ALL Fridays.
Mary Gourley, MMC
Assistant City Manager/City Clerk
Phone: 707-823-1153