Meg Mizutani

October 1, 2018

Meg Mizutani
Meg Mizutani

At the August 7 City Council Meeting, the Sebastopol City Council announced Meg Mizutani as its most recent honoree in the City’s “Locals Who Make a Difference” program, making her the second member of the Sebastopol community to receive such an honor. Meg’s nomination noted her participation in many community organizations, including Sebastopol World Friends, Cittaslow Sebastopol, the Sebastopol Educational Foundation, Sonoma County Taiko, Japanese Culture and Taiko Summer Camp, Sonoma County Matsuri Festival, and Park Side-Pine Crest and Brookhaven schools, among others. She has also been named Sebastopol Union School District Volunteer for the Year 2009-2010 and Sebastopol Community Service to Youth Awardee 2012.  

 “Meg is passionate about what we identify as ‘Sebastopol Values:’ citizen diplomacy, empowerment and equality for all, community activism and volunteerism,” reads an excerpt from one nomination. “Meg has taught Taiko drumming workshops to Park Side, Reach and Hillcrest students that not only teach how to play the drums but also how to respect each other, [use] teamwork, and [play] the instrument,” reads another.

The Locals Who Make a Difference program acknowledges and thanks members of the Sebastopol community for their contributions in helping to make Sebastopol a better place to live.  These members of the Sebastopol community will be recognized with banners lining Sebastopol’s Main Street and Downtown Plaza. There will be three honorees each year, with each being featured for approximately four months.