What are the business hours for City Hall?
Is City Hall open during the lunch hour?
Where is City Hall located?
How do I contact the City?
What’s the history of Sebastopol?
What is the population of Sebastopol?
How is Sebastopol governed?
Who is the mayor of Sebastopol?
How do I find out about city related meetings?
Where can I find the Sebastopol Municipal Code (General Ordinances)?
How do I apply for a job?
How do I find out which items are coming up on City Council meeting agendas?
Who may attend a City Council meeting?
How do I contact members of the City Council?
Who is on the City Council?
When and where are City Council meetings held?
How do I advertise my business on your website?
Where do I get a birth, death, or marriage certificate?
How do I obtain a copy of: Birth, Death, Marriage or Divorce records?
How do I obtain property ownership information?
What is the California Public Records Act?
Where can I find the City's Calendars and Events?
How to Participate in Virtual City Council Meetings, Infographic
Free Parking Map Sebastopol 2020
How to Participate in Virtual Public Meetings, Detailed
Public Comment While Attending Council Meeting Through Zoom Virtual Platform
Public Records Act Request Form
Order of Health Officer re Shelter in Place (C19-03)
Maddy Act Local Appointment List 2019
Claim for Money or Damage against the City of Sebastopol
Citizen Comment Form
Application and Ad for Design Review Board
City Council Adopted Financial Policy
City of Sebastopol Partners with West County Community Services and GoA to House Homeless Families at Village Mobile Home Park
Complimentary Passes and Ticket Distribution Policy Pursuant to Fair Political Practices Commission Regulation 18944.1 (FPPC For
Consultant Insurance Requirements
Contact List By Department
Discount Prescription Program Brochure
Form 806 Public Official Appointment Marin Sonoma Mosquito Vector Control District
Goals and Objectives
Map of Sebastopol Business Improvement Area
Organizational Ideals
Report of the Sebastopol ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Group on Energy Vulnerability (CAGE Report)
Sebastopol Downtown Plan
Sebastopol Downtown Plan Map
Strategic Plan (full document)
How Does the City Calculate Your Water Bill-Revised 9.6.22
City Hall is open Monday to Thursday from 7 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. (Closed 12-12:30 p.m. for lunch). Closed on Fridays. Closed on federal holidays.