Pay Your Parking Citation Online

If you received a parking citation in the City of Sebastopol, please choose one of the following options to pay your citation:

  1. Payment may be made in person at the Sebastopol Police Department. Please note that citations paid in person can be paid with a credit card or exact cash only. No other form of payment will be accepted. The police department address is:

                                     Sebastopol Police Department
                                     6850 Laguna Park Way
                                     Sebastopol, CA 95472

  1. Payment may be made by placing your payment and the copy of your citation in the mailing envelope that accompanied your citation and sending it via USPS. It is recommended you retain a copy of your citation and record of your payment in the event your payment is misplaced in the mail.

  2. Payment may be made online using a credit card. Please note there is a $3.95 convenience fee for this service. To pay your citation online, please visit:

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (707) 829-4400.

Ron Nelson / Chief of Police

6850 Laguna Park Way
Sebastopol, CA 95472
Phone: 707-829-4400
Fax: 707-829-0967


Office Hours

Our front lobby & dispatch center are
open 24 hours a day.

Anytime you need assistance, 
please give us a call or come
into the lobby.
You're always welcome.

(Email is for NON EMERGENCY communication.
Please allow up to 24 hours when requesting
information via email.)