City Manager/City Attorney

The City Manager is the administrative head of the government of the City and works under
the direction and control of the City Council.  The City Manager has authority over the City's employees, has the authority to appoint, remove, promote and demote any and all officers and employees of the City.  The City Manager shall also keep the Council advised as to the conditions and needs of the City, recommend ordinances for adoption and generally administer the day to day activities of the City.

The City Attorney is responsible for legal advice and representation of the City Council and all city departments. The City Attorney coordinates all legal representation of the City, including outside counsel, if needed. At the direction of the City Council, the City Attorney prepares all ordinances and other legal documents for Council consideration.

City Manager: Larry McLaughlin

7120 Bodega Avenue
P.O. Box 1776
Sebastopol, CA 95473
Phone: 707-823-1153
Fax: 707-823-1135


Office Hours

Monday - Thursday, 7:00 am - 5:30 pm
(Closed 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm for lunch)

Closed ALL Fridays.

Downloadable Documents

Discount Prescription Drug Program

  • Discount Prescription Program Brochure
  • City-Manager-City-Attorney-Larry-McLaughlin.jpg