City Clerk

The City Clerk’s Office represents the "front door" of City Hall and Is here to help demystify the government process . The City Clerk's office encourages community members to have a voice in local government.

The City Clerk's role includes coordination of local ballot measures and City Council elections with the County Registrar of Voters, compliance with state campaign reporting and conflict of interest laws, and overall records keeping of the City.

The City Clerk serves as Clerk of the Council and maintains all official City records, administers Fair Political Practice and conflict of interest legislation; maintains official City seal; administers municipal elections; serves as an executive assistant to the City Manager and is responsible for providing confidential support to the City Manager, the Council and other City staff.  The principal function of this position is to oversee, guide and assist the activities of various Departments and special projects to ensure they are in concert with the policies and goals of the City Manager and City Council; provide administrative guidance to departments to ensure the City’s goals and objectives are achieved in a timely and professional manner; provide the City Manager and City Council with accurate and timely information to support decision-making and policy direction; assist in the overall daily administration, decision-making and policy direction guidance with the City Manager and Council.    The City Clerk also serves as a key member of the City’s executive management team, assisting City Council, City Manager, City Department Staff and the public in accomplishing projects, and arranges meetings as required.

Assistant City Manager/City Clerk

7120 Bodega Avenue
P.O. Box 1776
Sebastopol, CA 95473
Phone: 707-823-1153
Fax: 707-823-1135


Office Hours

Monday - Thursday, 7:00 am - 5:30 pm
(Closed 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm for lunch)

Closed ALL Fridays.

City Clerk Mary Gourley

Frequently Asked Questions

Who may attend a City Council meeting?
How is Sebastopol governed?
Who is the mayor of Sebastopol?
Who is on the City Council?
How do I find out about city related meetings?
When and where are City Council meetings held?
Where can I find the City's Calendars and Events?
What are the business hours for City Hall?
Is City Hall open during the lunch hour?
Where is City Hall located?
How do I contact the City?
Who may attend a City Council meeting?
Who is the mayor of Sebastopol?
Who is on the City Council?
How do I find out about city related meetings?
When and where are City Council meetings held?
Where can I find the Sebastopol Municipal Code (General Ordinances)?
How do I advertise my business on your website?
Where do I get a birth, death, or marriage certificate?
How do I obtain a copy of: Birth, Death, Marriage or Divorce records?
How do I obtain property ownership information?
What is the California Public Records Act?
Where can I find the City's Calendars and Events?

Downloadable Documents

City Clerk

City Council